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Native PICT Models

You can use native PICT models with native API function.

native accepts the following options (optional):

  • order - order of combinations (default: 2)
  • random - randomization
  • aliasSeparator - the separator used for aliases (default: |)
  • valueSeparator - the separator used for values (default: ,)
  • negativePrefix - the prefix used for negative values (default: ~)
  • caseSensitive - case sensitive (default: false)

A model can be a file:

import { native } from "pict-node";

const cases = await native({
model: {
file: "path/to/file",
seed: "path/to/seed/file", // optional,
options: {
caseSensitive: true,

A model and a seed can be a string:

import { native } from "pict-node";

const cases = await native({
model: `
PLATFORM: x86, x64, arm
RAM: 1GB, 4GB, 64GB
OS: Win7, Win8, Win10
Browser: Edge, Opera, Chrome, Firefox