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In practice, you might want to exclude some of the generated test cases because certain parameters can't exist together. You can use constraints and their powerful syntax for this.


Read PICT documentation to get more information about constraints.

Constraints are only applicable when using the strings function, which only accepts string values and provides additional options:

  • aliasSeparator - the separator used for aliases (default: |)
  • valueSeparator - the separator used for values (default: ,)
  • negativePrefix - the prefix used for negative values (default: ~)
  • caseSensitive - case sensitive (default: false)

Be aware that the characters used for aliasSeparator, valueSeparator, and negativePrefix cannot be used in your values. If you use them, you must replace them using the second argument (options).

import { strings } from "pict-node";

const model = [
key: "type",
values: ["Primary", "Logical", "Single"],
key: "size",
values: ["10", "100", "500", "1000", "5000", "10000", "40000"],
key: "fileSystem",
values: ["FAT", "FAT32", "NTFS"],

const constraints = [
'IF [fileSystem] = "FAT" THEN [Size] <= 4096;',
'IF [fileSystem] = "FAT32" THEN [Size] <= 32000;',

const cases = await strings(
caseSensitive: true,

If you need to use values of different types, you can use the pict function instead of the strings function. This way, you can specify any type you want for the values of your model.