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Getting Started

Install pict-node using your favorite package manager:

npm install pict-node

Create Test Cases​

In most cases, to create test cases, you can use the pict function. The main feature of this function is that you can use any data type for the values.

import { pict } from "pict-node";
import { createOrder } from "./createOrder.js";

// 1. Define test model
const model = [
key: "customer",
values: ["Individuals", "Companies", "Partners"],
key: "time",
values: ["05:00", "11:99", "15:00", "21:30", "23:59"],
key: "payment",
values: ["VISA", "MasterCard", "PayPal", "Qiwi"],
key: "product",
values: [
id: 1732,
id: 319,
id: 872,
id: 650,
key: "discount",
values: [true, false],

// 2. Create test cases
const cases = await pict({ model });

// 3. Iterate test cases
for (const { customer, time, payment, product, discount } of cases) {
const result = createOrder({

// Verify that the function returns the expected result
expect(result).toBe("The order has been created");

Test cases are an array with generated values.

// ... ... ...
customer: "Individuals",
time: "21:30",
payment: "PayPal",
product: {
id: 319,
discount: false,
customer: "Individuals",
time: "11:99",
payment: "MasterCard",
product: {
id: 872,
discount: true,
// ... ... ...
customer: "Partners",
time: "23:59",
payment: "Qiwi",
product: {
id: 872,
discount: true,
// ... ... ...

By default, the library generates a pair-wise test suite (all pairs covered), but the order can be set by option order to a value larger than two.

const cases = await pict(
order: 3,